Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our 30-Year Legacy of Love

Dear Friends in Christ:

I am filled with much joy and thanksgiving as we are preparing to celebrate our 30th “Pearl” Anniversary as a Congregation.

Someone recently told me, “You should write a book about Abiding Love.” If I ever do, it wouldn’t be very hard to come up with titles for the chapters. What might they be? Those of you who were here in the beginning will recall themes that have inspired and unified us. And, those of you who have joined our mission and ministry throughout the years will recognize other themes.

To quote the theme song of a great American, Bob Hope, whose picture is on a recent postage stamp which Mary and I have been using: “THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.” Join me now in remembering and giving thanks to our good and gracious God for the past and continuing legacy of Abiding Love:

♥ “Blest Be the Tie That Binds Our Hearts in Christian Love”!

♥ “Something’s Always Happening at Abiding Love”!

♥ “Faith Growing… Love Increasing”!

♥ “Forward in Faith”!

♥ “Growing in Grace”!

♥ “Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow”!

♥ “Give Back The Blessings”!

♥ “It’s ALL About Love”!

♥ “God’s Work. Our Hands”!

♥ “Imagine: Generosity Beyond Belief”!

♥ “Imagine: Ministry Beyond Belief”!

♥ “Imagine: Community Outreach Beyond Belief”!


These chapters of Abiding Love’s legacy would be filled with many and varied “pearls of great value”. Each of you, and all those who have gone before us, are “beautiful pearls” that make up the Kingdom of God, now and forever!

As I write this, the words of a song written by Jay Beach are running through my mind: “I am the Church. Your are the Church. We are the Church together. All of God’s people, all around the world, we are the Church together.”

♥ “Jesus loves you, and so do I”!

† Pastor David Fetter

♥ ♥ ♥

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