Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer Sunday Worship Celebrations!

Dear Friends in Christ:

Beginning this Sunday, June 1st, we will have one worship service at 9:30 a.m. This will continue through Sunday, August 24th.

Our two Adult Sunday School Classes will meet at 10:45-11:45 a.m. The “Bible Booster Class” meets in the first floor classroom in the Worship Center. Pastor Lynnae’s class meets in the Activity Center. The Sr. High and Middle School are planning combined classes.

Special Worship Themes are being planned based on the Sunday Gospel Readings. Here is a tentative outline. We, also, plan to have “guest speakers” at some of these services:

June 1 Congregational Leadership Celebration (Synod Assembly)
— Matthew 7:21-29
June 8 Healing Service (Jesus heals a woman and raises a girl)
— Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26
June 15 Missionary Sunday (sending of the 12)
— Matthew 9:35—10:8 (9-32)
June 22 Discipleship Sunday (cost of discipleship)
— Matthew 10:24-39
June 29 Education Celebration (Do you love me? Feed my sheep)
— John 21:15-19
July 6 Peace Sunday (the yoke of discipleship)
— Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
July 13 Grow with Us - Evangelism Sunday (sower and the seed)
— Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
July 20 Camp Celebration Sunday (parable of the weeds)
— Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
July 27 VBS Celebration (parables about the kingdom of heaven)
— Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
August 3 Be ONE Lutheran Celebration/Feed the World (feeding of the 5000)
— Matthew 14:13-21
August 10 Baptismal Celebration (Jesus walking on the water)
— Matthew 14:22-33
August 17 Healing Celebration (Canaanite woman’s daughter healed)
— Matthew 15 (10-20) 21-28
August 24 Ecumenical Celebration (Profession of Peter’s faith)
— Matthew 16:13-20

It is Pastor Lynnae’s and my prayer that you will be faithful in your Sunday worship attendance. We pray that the one service will help to unite us as a church family.

(Note: If the parking lots fill, please be careful as you park on the grass shoulder along Brush Country Rd. Also, there is a small parking lot at the Children’s Center on Convict Hill Road.)

“Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love”!

—Pastor David Fetter

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

“Thank you Josh! God bless you!”

Dear Friends in Christ:

This past Saturday, I had an experience that reminded me how amazing the grace of God is!
I was returning from Seguin after attending the funeral service for Dr. August Wenzel. Halfway between Seguin and San Marcos on Highway 123 my car began to shake and I smelled rubber burning! I steered off onto the grass and engaged my emergency flashers. I thought immediately to check my front tires and discovered that the right tire had completely disintegrated! Here I was, in my suit and tie. It was hot and humid. I needed to get back to our church where I was scheduled to give the invocation at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Jay Urban. I had never changed a tire on this vehicle. Besides, the car was on an angle in the grass bar ditch. I am a member of AAA, but I knew it would probably be an hour before they would arrive. But, just as I had reached AAA Road Assistance, a young man walked up to my window. I put the AAA person on hold, and talked to this gentleman. He introduced himself. He said that he saw the tread come off my tire and wondered if he could help. He said, “I do things like this”. I thanked the AAA man, and said that someone had stopped to help.

As things proceeded, Josh began to jack up my car. As we talked, I commented how hot and humid it was, as I was sweating just standing there! He said, “It’s not bad compared to the 130 degrees it would be in a month!” Yes, he was going to be deployed for a second tour of duty to Iraq with the U.S. Army. He was stationed at Ft. Hood. He asked me what I did. When I told him that I was a Christian minister he asked, What denomination?” He then said, “My father is a Baptist Pastor!” I told him the name of our church and said, “It’s all about love isn’t it—not just for Lutherans, but Baptists, too!” He then said, “That’s why I’m doing this. It’s just another opportunity to thank God for all that He has done for me! We love because God first loved us!”

After he was through, I tried to give him some money to show my appreciation. He would not take it. I insisted, but he said, “No, thank you.” Then he said, “But there is something you can do for me.” I asked, “What’s that?” Josh said, “Please, pray for me!”

I am, Josh. I am thanking God for you. As St. Paul wrote to the Philippians (1:3-4) “I thank my God every time I remember you ...praying with joy ...for you”!

I went on my way back to Austin to attend the Eagle Scout ceremony, remembering the Boy Scout Slogan: “Do a good turn daily”!

—Pastor David Fetter

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

“It’s ALL About Love!”

Dear Friends in Christ:

You hear these words often at Abiding Love. You experience it in the relationships you have with the people here. Our community knows that our mission is to show and share the Abiding Love of God during the week in our Children’s Center and Food Pantry ministries.

Enclosed in the paper newsletter is an article from the Marbridge Messenger publication. (Online viewers may find the article at: ). It features one of the members of Abiding Love that we all know. His name is Jonathan “Jon” Mettke, the son of Amelia and Paul Mettke. Jon is a very special messenger of God’s love. There isn’t a Sunday when he is here with us that I don’t hear him tell me or someone else: “I LOVE YOU!”
Jon now is a resident of Marbridge, a 177-acre ranch, south of Austin in the community of Manchaca. Marbridge provides a safe, loving residence where adults with cognitive challenges can achieve their full potential.

For many years, I served as one of the “chaplains” at Marbridge, conducting Sunday afternoon worship services in their Chapel of Love. Many of you have attended their annual Christmas Program in that beautiful chapel.

If you look closely at Jon’s High School graduation picture, you will see a necklace that he is wearing. It is the symbol of our Lutheran Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville. It contains a butterfly, a symbol of the Resurrection, and the Chi Rho, the Greek letters for “Ch” and “R” in the name Christ. Jon will never forget the “new life” that he experienced when attending a week of camp as a teen.

Jesus loves you, Jon, and so do we— very much!

May each of us never underestimate the great blessing we give to one another when we say: “I love you!”

—Pastor David Fetter