Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lutheran Hurricane Disaster Response!

Dear Friends in Christ:

Once again, the news report and pictures bring great sorrow to my spirit for those who are suffering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Ike!

A message from Reverend Mark Hanson the Presiding Bishop of our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America shares this concern:
“...Yet another hurricane… is only the latest of seemingly endless series of storms that have brought hardship, destruction, fear and even death to brothers and sisters in the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean… The relentless destruction reminds us that the rebuilding of lives continues in other areas that have been affected by floods, tornadoes, fires and other disasters.
I call you to respond in the midst of danger and loss… I ask you to respond with your prayers, your generous gifts… and your commitment to a sustaining presence for the long haul… These expressions of our faith remind us that we are… bound together… with those who suffer… God’s work! Our hands!”


You may give through our congregation, send your check directly to ELCA Disaster Response, or give a credit card donation by phone or online. When designating your gift for a specific disaster, 100 percent of that gift is used for immediate relief and long-term recovery efforts following that disaster.

How to contribute to relief efforts related to 2008 Hurricane Season...

By mail: Make you check or money order out to:
ELCA Domestic Disaster Response
P.O. Box 71764
Chicago, Illinois 60694-1764
To designate your giving to this disaster, write “2008 Hurricane Season” on your check’s memo line.
By phone (with a major credit card) 1-800-638-3522
To designate your giving to this disaster, mention “2008 Hurricane Season” when you call.
On the Web (with a major credit card over a secure connection):
For more information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or, or www.elca/org/new/blog

In Texas, Lutheran Social Services, with headquarters here in Austin, are also coordinating disaster response efforts. You may call for information at 965-6720 or 1-800-938-5777, and over the Internet at Heather writes: “The recovery phase of disaster response is many times the most difficult… as emotions run high and change daily, sometimes hourly… May God calm our minds and our hearts so that we may be of service to those who are in need.”

“God has a Word for times like this: “But now thus says the Lord, he who created you… Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and… they shall not overwhelm you… Because you are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you…” (Isaiah 43:1-2, 4a)

God’s promises and our prayers will give strength to God’s people in every time of need! Your prayers are especially requested for Paul Schattenberg, a second year student at Texas A&M University in Galveston. He evacuated safely and is here in Austin.

This past Sunday, I offered the following prayer:
“O God, our refuge and strength in times of danger and trouble, comfort all those who are in distress following the disastrous fury of Hurricane Ike!
Give courage, strength, and hope to face the future to all who are affected. We thank you for all who are involved in the rescue and relief efforts. Give them your aid. Open our hearts so that your compassion for all who suffer might be made known. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.”

—Pastor David Fetter

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bishop Ray Tiemann to Visit Abiding Love

Dear Friends in Christ:

This Sunday, September 7th, we will be honored to welcome Pastor Ray Tiemann, Southwestern Texas Synod Bishop to our congregation. He will preach the Sermons and preside at Holy Communion at both the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services. He will, also, lead an Open Forum for adults and older youth during the Sunday School hour in the Activity Center. Bishop Tiemann has set a personal goal to visit every congregation in our Synod during his two terms in office.

I share the following biographical data as a way of introducing Bishop Ray to you:


The Rev. Dr. Ray Tiemann was elected in May 2000 to serve as the fourth bishop of the Southwestern Texas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He began his first six-year term of office on September 1, 2000 and was re-elected in May, 2006 for a second six-year term.

Prior to his election as bishop, Tiemann served as co-pastor at Holy Ghost Lutheran Church in Fredericksburg, Texas, since 1985. He was pastor of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church of Cameron, Texas, from 1979 to 1985.

Bishop Tiemann previously served as chair of the synod's Commission for Professional Leadership, twice as Dean of the Hill Country Conference, and as chair of the planning committees for several synod assemblies and other synodical events.

Tiemann received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Texas Lutheran College in 1975, a Master of Divinity degree from Wartburg Theological Seminary in 1979, and a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching degree from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago in 1995. His thesis centered on the relationship between the children's sermon and the general sermon for the day as a way to reach a broader segment of the congregation with the message of the Gospel.

He and his wife, Debbie, reside in Fredericksburg. They have two children, Daniel and Rebecca.

Other Facts About Our Synod

Mission Statement: “Southwestern Texas Synod is United in Christ, Diverse in People, Called by the Spirit, Equipping the people of God to be instruments of God’s Love.”

Ministry Focus through 2012: “Forming Faithfulness— in Leaders, with Congregations, among Partners!”

Membership: 67,902 baptized members in 173 congregations, including 5 missions, and 2 Synodically Authorized Worshipping Communities covering 61 Texas counties divided into the following Conferences: Austin, Coastal Bend, Hill Country, Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio, and Victoria.

The Synod Office is located on the campus of Texas Lutheran University in Seguin.

It is my prayer that Bishop Tiemann’s pastoral presence will be a blessing to our church family as we gather for worship, education, and fellowship.

“It’s ALL about love!”

—Pastor David Fetter

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