Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Luther Academy of the Rockies

Dear Friends in Christ:

As you are reading this, Mary and I are attending the ten-day “Luther Academy of the Rockies” continuing education retreat at Meeker Lodge in Allenspark, Colorado. I thank you for helping to support my attendance at this wonderful event that provides ministry growth, spiritual renewal, rest, recreation, worship, and fellowship with colleagues. The Academy is sponsored by our Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa.

This year’s faculty and lecture topics include the following:

Dr. David J. Lull, Professor of New Testament at Wartburg Seminary, will explore St. Paul’s “place” as a Jew in his predominantly Gentile culture then. He will also reflect on Paul’s “place” in our world today, with its many “-isms”, “idolatries”, and “American empire”.

Dr. Kristine Stache, Assistant Professor of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Wartburg. She will present “Participating in God’s life in the world: Implications for Congregational Ministry.” She will explore how congregations as a community make a difference in the lives of people of all ages, as well as what youth ministry has to do with other generations.

Dr. John Rottman, Associate Professor at Calvin Theological Seminary (associated with the Christian Reformed Church in America), will present a series of lectures on “Fine-Tuning Grace in Your Sermons”. He will use biblical parable texts in order to discover ways of applying grace to the lives of congregational hearers of these sermons.

Our prayers will be with you all. May you find ways to continue to grow in your life of faith as you love and serve God, and others.

—Pastor David Fetter

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Give Back the Blessings"

Dear Friends in Christ:

Last night (Sunday, June 7th) we began our week of Vacation Bible School with the theme, “The Friendship Train”. It was a wonderful evening of celebrating God’s gift of friendship! We learned a special word— “CARE”. Friends care about each other. We are God’s friends as Jesus said: “I have called you friends… And I appointed you to go and bear fruit… so that you may love one another.” (John 15:15-17)

During this week we are teaching our children that God’s friends also include people we may not know, but we can care about them. So, we are filling our “Friendship Train Cargo Bins” with food; clothing for adults, children and infants; money; children’s books; toys; and games. We are calling this our “Community Service/Caring Week”!

On Sunday as we were closing up the building, my granddaughter, Viviana came up to me and said: “Pa Pa, we’re going home to get some clothes so we can bring them tomorrow to help other people. And Pa Pa, do you have any money?” She opened the “Treasure Chest Box” for me to make a donation! Not only are we teaching the children, but they are inspiring us to remember to “Give Back the Blessings”. Abiding Love Lutheran Church exists to do that in many ways. Let’s not count what we do not have, but what we do have as blessings from God. And, let us generously “bear fruit” as we give, share, and care with our friends at Abiding Love, in our community, and even beyond. “It’s ALL about love!”

On Sunday morning, one of our members shared a copy of a newsletter from the church where she grew up in San Antonio. In the Pastor’s message, he wrote about “STEWARDSHIP”, and said: “This month let’s look at stewardship as cash, commitment, and challenge. Last month we examined the sacrificial nature of stewardship, through the example of Jesus Christ himself. We saw that sacrificial levels of giving takes people who are spiritually prepared, and who are prepared to form a joint partnership in venturing into new ministries and deepening their understanding of the Body of Christ.”

These are good words that fit very well with the present “KAIROS Stewardship Ministry and Bold Steps Emphasis” in our congregation.

Another thing that this Pastor stressed is that a biblical foundation is absolutely critical to giving spiritual direction in our stewardship. As your Pastor, I am committed to that truth. I hope that you already know that. So, I leave you with these blessings of promise from God’s Holy Word, the Bible:

“We love because God first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)

“God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

“God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance.” (2 Corinthians 9:8)

“You will glorify God by your obedience.” (2 Corinthians 9:13)

—Pastor David Fetter

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