Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some Very Special Days!

Dear Friends in Christ:

This past week, I experienced four very special days filled with joy! What made these days so special? — People coming together for a special purpose to “give back God’s blessings”.

I am talking about Thursday, April 10th, and Friday through Sunday, April 11th—13th.

On Thursday afternoon, I attended our Children’s Center Benefit Golf Tournament, “Chip In For Children”. It was a beautiful day, and I’m not just talking about the weather. Even if you were not there, all members and friends of Abiding Love should be rejoicing! As John Austin welcomed everyone before tee-off, I introduced Donna Eastty, Director of our Children’s Center Ministry. She thanked everyone for their support. Then, I was able to speak and say that this day was ALL ABOUT LOVE—God’s love for us, our love for God, and our love for others. I offered a children’s prayer: “God is great; God is good. Let us thank God for this day, and for the blessings it will bring.”

Thanks be to God from whom all blessings flow!

Then, on Friday, sixteen of us left for Lutheran Camp Chrysalis to attend our “10th Annual Workin’ With the Master Builder” work retreat. Our theme for this event was “A Decade of Discipleship—A Legacy of Love”. Christian discipleship involves following the
Master, Jesus Christ in doing works of love.

Even if you were not able to attend this retreat, all members and friends of Abiding Love should be rejoicing! God performed miracles of His amazing grace during that weekend. Wooden decks were constructed on the backs of three new beautiful cabins. The source of a mysterious water leak was discovered in one of the existing A-frame cabins. Also, some site, tractor excavation work was done. The Director of Camp Properties, David Blank, said that he didn’t think we would be able to accomplish these projects. But, once again, as during the past nine retreats, he was amazed and most grateful!

At this retreat, we also worshipped, had fellowship, and grew stronger in our love for one another. “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love.”

Another very special day will be celebrated this Sunday, April 20th at both morning worship services. It will be the 28th “Birthday” of Abiding Love Lutheran Church. This is the actual day of our organization as a Christian ministry here in Southwest Austin. “Happy Birthday to us!”

The history of this congregation has been filled with many special days! The days I have just mentioned are examples of what God is doing in and through us because “God so loved the world that He gave (and continues to give) His love through His only Son, Jesus.” (John 3:16)

We love because God first loved us! (1 John 4:19)

—Pastor David Fetter

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