Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Disaster Response

Dear Friends in Christ:

Once again, the front page of our newspaper stated: “Amid tension, Haitians pray, cry for help in the ruins”!

It is hard for any of us to comprehend the immensity of this disaster. Fox News Service reported that the United Nations has called this “the worst disaster it has ever seen”!

What do God’s people do at times like this? Our church has in place the”Evangelical Lutheran Church in America International Disaster Response”. It is working through long-standing partnerships on the ground to provide emergency food, water, shelter and medical supplies. Pastor Daniel Rift, Director of the ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal writes: “Financial gifts are urgently needed. Your gifts will be used entirely (100 percent) for immediate relief and ongoing recovery in Haiti. Your prayers and generous gifts will make a life-saving difference. Thank you for your partnership.”

You may give online at, or over the phone by calling toll free 800-638-3522. Or you may give through our congregation’s Sunday offering, or mail making checks payable to “Abiding Love Lutheran Chruch”, designated for “Haiti Earthquake Relief”.

Also, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is launching a national $3 million “Helping Haiti” effort at They will contribute $1, up to $I million, for every $2 in donations that Thrivent members make by March 31 to the ELCA Disaster Response. You may give by going online, or by calling 800-236-3736 between 7 a.m. and 6 p.n., Monday—Friday. When prompted, say “directory” and enter ext. 83003.

For your information, there are 12 congregations of the Lutheran Church in Haiti. The Rev. Joseph Livenson Lauvanus is the President. He has written: “We are a young and growing church. Everyone knows that Haiti is a poor country in the Western Hemisphere. We are thankful to have the goodwill of a church like the ELCA that understands the whole matter of togetherness, reinforcing what we call ‘the Communion of Saints’”.

This past Sunday I offered the following prayer:
“O God, you are our help in every time of need. You know the pain and suffering of the people in Haiti, and your love for them is very close through all those responding to bring help and hope.
May your spirit speak to our hearts to share our blessings with the least of these. May there be an outpouring of generosity, and ministry beyond belief as this world community responds to this disaster.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.”

— Pastor David Fetter

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