Dear Friends in Christ:
Our 30th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, April 18th was a most memorable and joyful event in our Congregation’s history!
I am so very thankful to everyone who planned, prepared and served for the Sunday School hour, the Worship Service, and the Meal!
It was wonderful to be reunited with some former members and friends.
Personally, I was deeply touched by your gifts of love honoring me for my 30 years as your Pastor. Ask me to see the James Avery etched cross silver ring with the inside engraving, and the incredibly beautiful, engraved, silver pocket watch with the inlaid mother of pearl on the outside cover and inner face. This watch will forever be a reminder of “Things Remembered” from our relationships in the mission and ministry of life together as Pastor and people. Also, the engraved wood shell/pearl plaque witnesses to the water of my Baptism which united me forever with the abiding love of Jesus Christ who is the most valuable Pearl of all. For this, I give thanks and praise to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
“Almighty God, we give you thanks for the work you have done in this place. We give you thanks for your love and faithfulness. When we called on your name, you made your presence known to us. When we prayed, you heard us. When we preached your Word and administered your Sacraments, you were in our midst. You have accepted our humble sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. You have listened to our confessions and forgiven our sins. And you have sent your Holy Spirit to heal and comfort us in our hurts, our sorrows, and our losses.
Continue to empower us with your Spirit, O Lord, that we might proclaim your gospel to all people.
Help us to witness to the good news of Jesus Christ in all that we do and say.
Show us how we might give care and support, love and mercy to those in need.
Grant that we may continuously grow in the Spirit and in the ministry that is ours as members of the priesthood of all believers, so that we may carry out our mission of service and love.
Bring us at last to the joy of your eternal kingdom, so that in communion with all your saints we may forever praise your name. Amen.”
† Pastor David Fetter