Wednesday, October 28, 2009

All Saints Day - "Faith of our Fathers & Mothers Living Still!"

Dear Friends in Christ:

This Sunday, as we gather for worship, we will remember those saints of God who have died over the past 30 years of our congregation’s history. Our theme for this day is “Looking Backward”. It is important to celebrate the blessings these members of our church family have left us. And, in giving thanks for their lives of faith, we are inspired to continue this legacy in letting our light shine through generous giving and faithful living!

This past Sunday, we celebrated the Confirmation of Faith by ten of our 9th grade youth. These young saints of God reaffirmed their Baptisms by sharing with us their personal statements of faith. This certainly shows that Abiding Love Lutheran Church is making a difference in people’s lives. Our present “Imagine: Ministry Beyond Belief” emphasis is calling us to LOOK FORWARD in belief that even as we LOOK BACKWARD who could have fully imagined all that God has accomplished?

May we be blessed by these words of those ten young disciples who said “I Believe” last Sunday:
† “Faith in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit means hope, and knowing that God is always there for you.”
† “The Church is a place where I always feel I belong.”
† “We come to church to study God’s Word together, and to grow in our understanding of God and others.”
† “What the Church means to me can be summed up in one word— LOVE.”
† I will show my love for God through my actions.”
† “We are to live by Christ’s example. We are called to be servants of God.”
† I would never hesitate if ever tested or asked about my faith!”

† † †

A Bible Truth:
“Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him. Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become ever stronger in your fiath, as you were taught. And be filled with Thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7)

— Pastor David Fetter

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Imagine: Ministry and Generosity Beyond Belief

Dear Friends in Christ:

The past six weeks have been a very special opportunity for us as a congregation to intentionally lift up the subject of CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP. We have used a book titled, Giving to GOD - The Bible’s Good News about Living a Generous Life, by Lutheran Pastor Mark Allan Powell, as a resource to guide us.

I hope the Sunday Sermon Series, take-home meditation cards, and Bible Study classes have been a blessing in your spiritual growth. I thank our Stewardship Ministry Team for coordinating this emphasis of “Imagine Generosity Beyond Belief.”

On Sunday, October 18, at both worship serivces, we will begin another 6-week emphasis of “Imagine Ministry Beyond Belief”. By now you should have received a special letter from Diane Albin, Congregation Presisdent, that explains this. What follows is a brief outline of our themes for these six special Sundays of celebration from October 18th through November 22nd:

† Sunday, October 18th — “Looking Inward” — A day to celebrate the faith-stories of Our Congregation’s Members!

† Sunday, October 25th — “Looking Forward” — A day to celebrate the hope and joy we have at Abiding Love because of the growing faith in our Children and Youth!
(Note: A “Ceremony of Confirmation” will be celebrated for ten of our 9th grade youth at the 11:00 a.m. service.)

† All Saints’ Sunday, November 1st — “Looking Backward” — A day to celebrate all those Saints who have gone before us, leaving a Legacy of Faith for us, the living saints, during the past 30 years of Abiding Love’s Mission and Ministry. Come, and remember our blessings!

† Sunday, November 8th — “Looking Outward” — A day to celebrate the Community Outreach Ministries of Abiding Love, even to “the ends of the earth”!

† Sunday, November 15th — “Looking Upward” — ONE WORSHIP SERVICE at 9:30 a.m. to celebrate the promise we have that “For God all things are possible”! (Mark 10:27) Come, celebrate our unity in Christ as we “Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow”!
(Note: An “All-Congregation Meal” will follow worship.)

† “Response” Sunday, November 22nd — We bring our “Covenants of Support” for the 2010 mission and ministry of Abiding Love, as well as our 3-year “Capital Appeal Commitments”! “We love because God first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)

I thank God for all who are involved in planning and presenting these special worship celebrations.

I believe we can IMAGINE that God’s promise to “bless us and keep us” as a church family is true. “Now to God who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20,21)

— Pastor David Fetter