Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Dear Friends in Christ:

I have subscribed to a very helpful publication for many years. It’s called The Clergy Journal. It was edited for a long time by the late Lutheran Pastor Manfred Holck, a resident of Austin.
Is it just a coincidence that the most recent issue is titled “STEWARDSHIP” as we are in the midst of our “Imagine Generosity and Ministry Beyond Belief” emphasis?

In the lead article by Richard Klopp and William Enright, they write:
“American congregations are being stretched in new ways by an economic recession, the depth and length of which is impossible to predict. Clergy are being called upon to think out loud and reflect theologically on issues of money and financial security as they help congregants grapple with the relationship between faith and finances in a world numbed by institutionalized consumerism.

As difficult as these times can be, there is an opportunity here for those who would seize it — the opportunity to make conversation, preaching, and teaching about the faithful use of money and possessions a hallmark of their ministries. Congregations can benefit greatly from ascertaining where they stand, learning all they can about what others are experiencing, developing congregational coping mechanisms, and continuing to reach out to those in need. They can do all this while inviting members to ‘live the vision’ that binds them together as God’s people. Clergy can and should courageously face these issues with their members.”

God’s Word, the Bible, is filled with encouragement for us all as God’s people. Today, I am reading from St. Paul’s first letter to Timothy (6:18-19): “Do good, be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for yourselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that you may take hold of the life that really is life.”


— Pastor David Fetter

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The JOY of Giving

Dear Friends in Christ:

Since Pastor Lynnae and I have begun a six-week special sermon series on Giving to God—The Bible’s Good News about Living a Generous Life; it is apparent that we believe Christian stewardship is a serious matter.

I believe, however, that giving to God should also be a JOYFUL matter. God’s Word, the Holy Bible, states: “God loves a cheerful giver… Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Each month at our Men’s Breakfast Group, Erv Merz shares from a publication titled “Medicine for the Soul” by Dr. Jeremiah. One of these brought joy to my heart as I give to God— AS AN ACT OF WORSHIP and AS AN EXPRESSION OF FAITH.

Cheerful givers, lift up your hearts with me as you read the following vignettes from “Dr. Jeremiah”:

☺ #1 A mother wanted to teach her daughter a stewardship lesson. She gave the little girl a quarter and a dollar for church. “Put whichever one you want in the collection plate and keep the other for yourself,” she told the girl. When they were coming out of church, the mother asked her daughter which amount she had given. “Well,” said the little girl, “I was going to give the dollar, but just before the collection the man in the pulpit said that we should all be cheerful givers. I knew I’d be a lot more cheerful if I gave the quarter, so I did.”

☺ #2 A church was starting a campaign to refurbish their building. The building was in very bad repair. And so they brought the congregation together. It wasn’t a large church, so they were going to have a pledge program to fix the building.
The wealthiest man in the congregation stood up in the meeting and said he would like to pledge five dollars to the program. And just as he said it, a loose piece of plaster in the ceiling fell and hit the man on the head. He said, “I’d like to up that to fifty dollars.”
A little old lady in the back said, “Hit him again, God, hit him again!”

☺ #3 A little girl was restless at the preacher’s sermon as it went on and on. Finally, she leaned over to her mother, and she whispered, “Mommy, if we give him the money now, would he let us go?”

“Rejoice in the Lord always!” (Philippians 4:4)

— Pastor David Fetter

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