Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Advent Thoughts & Prayers To Help Prepare For Christmas…

Dear Friends in Christ:

I have been doing some devotional reading to help me be more open to God’s coming. Yes, this is the Season of Advent, and Advent means “Coming”.

This past Sunday we lit the first of four candles on our Advent Wreath— the candle of “HOPE”. The next three Sundays we will light the candles of “PEACE”, “JOY”, and “LOVE”. Pray with me for the coming (the “advent”) of God’s hope, peace, joy, and love into our hearts and minds.

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, we must remember that Jesus Christ often comes into our lives when we least expect him. Let us use this Season of Advent to keep our hearts and minds; our homes and families, open to his coming.

Please keep the following prayers close by, and use them often to help this occur for you, and your loved ones:
“Holy Child of Bethlehem, we humbly confess that as we prepare for your Advent our thoughts have been mainly on sending out holiday greetings and preparing our shopping lists. By the power of your Holy Spirit forgive our short-sightedness, and fix our attention on the earth-shaking and life-changing event we celebrate with your coming into the world. Amen.”

“Ever-present God, may this time of Advent be an occasion for us to open our hearts to you. While we wait for Christmas as an opportunity to celebrate your coming into the world in human form, make us aware that you are always ready to show yourself to us. Amen.”

“O God, we know that you will never take your steadfast love from us, and we give you thanks that your Son has come into the world to share our joys and sorrows. Through his life, death, and resurrection, we know that he will reign eternally in the hearts of his followers, and of his kingdom there will be no end. Amen.”

“Lord, like Mary, the mother of Jesus, we are often perplexed by your plans for us. We pray that like Mary, we may come to the realization that we can put our trust in you. Like Mary, may we be prepared to hear your call and respond. ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to your word.’ Amen.”

“O God, forgive us when we doubt your power. We confess that often we are tempted to handle life’s problems our own way. Forgive our weakness, and may the power of your Holy Spirit enable us to respond to your call as we put our faith and trust in you. Amen. “

“Come into my heart Lord Jesus. Come in today. Come in to stay. Come into my heart Lord Jesus.”

— Pastor David Fetter
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