Dear Friends in Christ:
After our recent All Saints’ Eve Halloween Carnival, as we were taking things down and putting them away, I began thinking about the theme we planned to use for our 2008 Annual Report cover—"God’s work. Our hands.”
It has taken a lot of work over the past 28 years to bring us to the present in the life of Abiding Love Lutheran Church! We have joined our hands together with “God’s hands”, and great things have been done!
As we meet this Sunday, November 16th, at 1:30 p.m. for our Annual meeting of the Congregation, it will take PRAYING HANDS, and GIVING HANDS to meet the continued challenges of mission and ministry that makes Abiding Love the shining light it is!
I am using my hands right now to applaud each one of you for raising your hands to say, “Yes, I pledge my support to doing God’s work in 2009!”
When people brought their children to Jesus, “he placed his HANDS on them, and blessed them”. (Mark 10:16)
Jesus continues to bless all children of God, regardless of age, as our HANDS touch others with God’s abiding love.
It’s an awesome privilege to do GOD’S WORK with OUR HANDS!
— Pastor David Fetter
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