Dear Friends in Christ:
This past Sunday at the Children’s Message time, I sensed a joy, anticipation, and excitement in the children that I’ve seen in thepast at this time of year. But, this year these children affected meas never before! Those words from the prophet Isaiah in our first Bible reading on Sunday contain a profound truth: “...a little childshall lead them.” (Isaiah 11:6).
Is this not a reminder to us all that this holy season of Advent and Christmas requires a “childlike” joy, anticipation, excitement, and faith that the coming of God’s love in Jesus brings to us every day? I’ll never think or say again that Christmas is really more for the kids!
This Sunday, December 16th will provide a very special opportunity for all God’s children to celebrate the real reason for this season. At both morning worship services, our Choir and Instrumental Ensemble (composed primarily of young people) will present a musical message titled “Season of Wonders”.
Then, at 4:00 p.m., the children of our Sunday School will lead us in the Christmas Play in our Worship Center. A time of food and fellowship will follow in the Activity Center. (Note: Please bring you favorite finger food. Drinks will be provided.)
For Your “Home Worship”…Also, if you haven’t picked up a special devotional booklet, “In the Presence of the Lord”, for your home use, they are available in the church Narthex. The daily meditations, and suggested activities capture the child-like spirit of faith, hope, love, and joy. I am receiving a great blessing in reading this. So, it’s not just for kids, but the author Caroline Pignat has done a wonderful job inwriting with a conversational tone, child-friendly concepts, and a commitment to encourage children to read and lead family prayer. May God bless you with the “wonder of a child” in believing that “unto us a Child is born!”
—Pastor David Fetter
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