No, I did not make a mistake. The Season of Advent marks the beginning of “a new year” on the Christian Church-Year Calendar.
As you enter our Worship Center each Sunday, you will see something new to help you focus on this “Season of Preparation”. Each week as we light the 4 candles of our Advent Wreath, you will be asked to:
Week 1—”Prepare for the PROMISE!”
- Bible Reading: “...stay awake! For you do not know which day your Lord will come.” (Matthew 24:42)
- Prayer: Come, Lord, into the Advent of our lives. Come,
open our eyes to see your hand in all things.
Come, illuminate the paths we walk as we
journey to your promised dwelling place. Amen
Week 2—”Prepare for the PEACE!”
- Bible Reading: “In those days John the Baptist appeared
in the wilderness of Judea proclaiming, ‘Repent,
for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’ This
is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke of
when he said, ‘The voice of one crying out in the
wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make
his paths straight.’” (Matthew 3:1-3) - Prayer: Come, Lord Jesus, restore our land and re-create
our hearts. May we speak your word to those
whose hearts have been hardened by despair
and disappointment; may we create for you a
highway of peace and reconciliation that passes
through every heart and home. Amen.
Week 3—”Prepare for the PURPOSE!”
- Bible Reading: “Go and tell John what you hear and see:
the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers
are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised,
and the poor have the good news proclaimed to
them.” (Matthew 11:4-5) - Prayer: O God, Giver of all good things, give us the
purpose to be grace-filled givers this Christmas.
Open our hearts to give to others the compassion
and peace of Christ that transforms emptiness to
wholeness, sadness to joy, death to life. Amen.
Week 4—”Prepare for the PRESENCE!”
- Bible Reading: “The angel of the Lord appeared to him in
a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not
be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home.
For this is through the Holy Spirit that this child
has been conceived in her.’” (Matthew 1:20) - Prayer: Come, Emmanuel, and make your dwelling place
among us. May we welcome you into our midst
even when your presence is most demanding,
inconvenient, and threatening. May we give birth
to you despite our doubts and fears, our timidity
and weakness. Amen
Please, save these meditations and use them in your home each week. Give thanks for God’s PROMISE, PEACE, PURPOSE, and PRESENCE in your life as you PREPARE!
— Pastor David Fetter †